In an exclusive interview with TOLOnews, several Governors said that they can play an effective role in conducting the upcoming elections. The Governors stressed that the only way to solve the problems of Afghanistan is through the upcoming elections.
The Balkh Governor informed about the preparedness of the province for holding the elections.
Atta Mohammad Noor, Balkh Provincial Governor said, "If the Governors want to create problems they can do it but the Constitution does not allow them to do so. The main responsibility of the Governors is to conduct transparent and fair elections and provide security for the elections."
Abdul Jabbar Naeemi, Khost Provincial Governor said, "In Khost province it has been decided that every candidate has to depend on public votes only and not seek assistance from any security organs or the Independent Election Commission (IEC) illegally."
Although, a number of Governors seemed concerned over increasing insecurity in their provinces but they said that such challenges can never prevent them from holding elections in the country.
Meanwhile, a number of Provincial Governors urged their fellow Governor's to cooperate with the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) in their relevant provinces and asked them not to misuse their power to favor a specific candidate.
"If the Governors want to use fraudulent methods, they can and if they want to serve the people honestly, they are free to do that as well. Choice is theirs!" Abdul Basir Salangi, Parwan Provincial Governor said.
Only 10 months remain for the next Presidential and Provincial elections in the country, but there is an increased concern over proper security arrangements in the country. Transparent and secured elections are the main demands of the Afghan citizens.