20 districts, scattered across provinces Maidan Wardak, Ghazni, Faryab and Nuristan, will not be safe enough for voting, their residents reported on Thursday.
According to locals in Faryab, seven out of 13 districts will not be safe. Elections will not be possible in Dawlat Abad, Shirinn Tagab, Almar, Gurizwan, Bilchiragh, Khawja Sabz Posh and Kohistan districts.
According to a former MP for Faryab, Bashir Ahmad Tayyanj, the number of dangerous districts is in fact eight. Speaking generally about the election, Tayyanj asks: “Who is there to guarantee that the votes will not be misused in some way during the election?”
The Independent Election Commission (IEC) previously reported the registration of over 60,000 voters in the Faryab province.
Residents in Maidan Wardak province claimed that only 2 out of seven districts in their province will be safe.
They said that voters in Jarez, Chak, Sayed Abad, Nirkh and Dai Mirdad districts are facing threats.
The IEC has registered over 83,000 voters in Maidan Wardak province.