The Kabul Bank corruption case will be addressed and promises kept, newly elected President Ashraf Ghani saison Saturday following the Eid al-Adha prayer at the Presidential Palace. The Chief Executive, Abdullah Abdullah, former President Hamid Karzai and a number of other politicians expressed solidarity with Ghani.
The new president took the opportunity to praise the Afghan security forces and talk about the determination of the national unity government to bring permanent peace to the country. He called on all anti-government groups to put down their weapons.
“I want to tell all political opponents very clear that war is not the solution for Afghanistan's problems, the only way for ensuring peace in the country is talks between Afghans and it is necessary to solve every political problem through a political way,” President Ghani said.
In his inauguration speech last Monday, Ghani spoke about taking a stand against government and business corruption in Afghanistan. Mid week, it became clear that the Kabul Bank scandal would be the first major attack on corruption the administration would make. “We don’t want to talk a lot but we want to take action and with action want to prove that we are servants of the nation,” he said.
Ghani has already appointed people to a number of top positions in his administration, gearing up for the work ahead. In addition to naming Abdullah as the Chief Executive, along with his deputies, Ghani has appointed a National Security Advisor, an economic advisor and a special representative for reforms and good governance. He is expected to select his full cabinet soon.