A number of politicians and commentators on Monday said that Abdullah Abdullah is the best person for the Chief Executive position, and that if he does not fill the role, the national unity government could face problems.
The analysts stressed that Mr. Abdullah, who became the runner up in this year’s election after the announcement of Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai’s victory on Sunday, is an experienced politician and diplomat.
There have been some reports that Abdullah wants to designate another person for the position. But MPs on Monday spoke out in favor of Abdullah filling the role.
“The candidates must abide upon their commitments as they made in the formation of the national unity government and the leaders of the two teams must endorse their responsibilities they accepted,” MP Shukria Barakzai said.
Because of Abdullah’s leadership among those who were most distraught with this year’s election and opposed a Ghani presidency, legislators suggested his serving in the chief executive role would be critical to keeping the power-sharing arrangement intact.
“Dr. Abdullah had offered the plan for a parliamentary system, he has the capability to move forward the responsibilities of the post of chief executive,” MP Nahid Farid said, referring to the deal made between the two candidates in which the chief executive serves as in a kind of prime minister-type role.
Even members of Abdullah’s own camp expressed support for him taking on the new role. “Dr. Abdullah in the position of the chief executive is the only option that could ensure the success of the national unity government,” Abdullah camp member Fazlurrahman Orya said.